Dancer's Name
First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Dancer's Phone Number (if applicable)
Dancer's Email (if applicable)
Parent/Guardian Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Parent/Guardian Email
Second Parent/Guardian Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Second Parent/Guardian Phone
Second Parent/Guardian Email
Medical Info/Health Concerns (if applicable):
Emergency Contact Name (Not Parent(s) or Guardian(s) listed above)
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
How did you hear about us?
Referred by (If applicable)
Class Offerings
Please select the classes your child wishes to take.
*Class levels are based on experience and skill level. Dancers may be moved up or down based on teacher recommendations.
Tiny Tots (Ages 2-4)
Minis (Ages 5-7)
Juniors (8-12) i
Jazz (Ages 13 and up)
Tap (Ages 13 and up)
Hip Hop (Ages 13 and up)
Contemporary (Ages 13 and up)
Acrobatics (Ages 13 and up)
Lyrical (Ages 13 and up)
Add Ons
Dancers must be enrolled in at least one class above to be eligible to take an add on class.
Duet (Please confirm both dancer's parent/guardian before registering)
Payment Information
Cardholder Name
First Name
Last Name
Credit Card Information
Expiration Date
Zip/Postal Code
Section 3: Insurance, Liability, and Release Forms
Insurance and Liability: I am aware that participation in dancing is potentially dangerous and involves risk of injury. I understand that these risks include, but are not limited to injury to ligaments, muscles, tendons, bones, and other aspects of the body that may include head, neck, or spine. Due to the dangers of this activity, I understand the importance of my child’s following the teacher’s instructions regarding techniques, training, and other rules and agree that my child will obey these instructions. In consideration for allowing my child to participate in Stand Up 8’s activities, I hereby assume all the risks associated with the sport of dance, and I agree to release Stand Up 8 Dance Studio and its employees or agents from any and all liability/responsibility which may arise in connection with my child’s participation in activities at Stand Up 8 Dance Studio.
Stand Up 8 Dance Studio does not carry medical insurance for its students. It is required that all students be covered by their own family insurance policies and if injury occurs, it is understood that the student's own policy is your only source of reimbursement.
Students have the right to decline participation in any activity in which they feel uncomfortable.
Medical Release: In the event that you are unable to reach me, in the case of an accident or injury, I give my permission for treatment as deemed necessary by the staff of emergency personnel. I also release Stand Up 8 Dance Studio and it’s staff of liability in case of injury or accident incurred to my child.
By Initialing here, I understand and agree to the Insurance, Liability, and Release Forms Policy outlined above.
Section 5: Attendance, Important Dates, and Inclement Weather Policies
Attendance: To attain individual progress and maintain current level placement, dancers are expected to attend all scheduled classes. Good attendance is important as absences and tardiness can hold back an entire class. Students should be prompt and prepared for class. If your dancer is going to miss a class please communicate all absences via email:
Times for rehearsals and shows will be announced closer to the date, so please ask your dancer (or check their dance bag) for important handouts. All rehearsals, including Super Sunday, are mandatory.
Inclement Weather: Stand Up 8 Dance Studio will only close in the event that the City of Malden declares a snow day or a parking ban. If in doubt, call the studio before coming to class on the given day. If classes are canceled, we will try our best to make up the missed classes, but tuition for the month will not change.
By Initialing here, I understand and agree to the Attendance, Important Dates, and Inclement Weather Policies outlined above.
Section 7: Practice Wear
Dance wear is required for all classes. Dancers must wear comfortable form-fitting dance attire to display proper body alignment and allow for easy movement. No baggy t-shirts, baggy shorts, blue jeans, jewelry or other inappropriate attire will be allowed. Hair should always be securely pulled away from the face.
Ballet: Leotard, tights and pink ballet shoes. Skirts, wraps, or shorts are allowed, but we must be able to see the knees and ankles to ensure proper form.
Tap: Leotard and tights. Skirts, shorts, capris, or leggings/yoga pants are allowed. Tan buckle tap shoes for younger students. Black tie tap shoes for older students.
Jazz: Leotard and tights. Skirts, shorts, capris, or leggings/yoga pants are allowed. Tan slip-on jazz shoes.
Lyrical/Contemporary: Leotard and tights. Skirts, shorts, capris, or leggings/yoga pants are allowed. Tan slip-on jazz shoes, foot undies, or barefoot.
Acro: Leotard and tights. Shorts, capris, or leggings/yoga pants are allowed. Students are required to dance barefoot.
Hip Hop: Leotard and tights. Black dance sneakers (sneakers must not be worn outside). Shorts, capris, or leggings/yoga pants are allowed.
*Before purchasing shoes, please see a staff member to ensure the correct style and color are bought as they may vary based on class level. *
By Initialing here, I understand and agree to the Practice Wear outlined above.